Our Annual Report 2021-22 is now available

This report illustrates our contribution to producing and disseminating systematic reviews of healthcare interventions. These reviews are a powerful tool to enhance healthcare knowledge and decision-making. Since 2018, Cochrane Anaesthesia, and Cochrane Emergency and Critical Care are two separate Groups working closely together.

The last few years have been marked by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Critical care and emergency medicine as well as anaesthesia were particularly challenged at the onset of the pandemic. Cochrane CARG and EC were able to make an essential contribution to the management of the crisis with their extensive and high-quality collection of evidence syntheses. The COVID-NMA project deserves special mention as it is probably the most reliable and up-to-date source of evidence syntheses on the treatment and prevention of Covid-19 infection to date. The impact of our work is impressive and the collective success of brilliant experts from a global scientific community dedicated to publishing high-quality, relevant medical information.

We would like to thank the Danish Government and Capital Health for their generous contribution in funding. This funding was matched many times over by the unpaid, voluntary contributions of our editors, authors and peer reviewers worldwide. We are grateful to our editors, authors, peer reviewers and consumers, as well as Cochrane Central Editorial Service who have contributed to the progress of publishing our reviews in 2021-22.

Click HERE to read our report