Our scope

The Anaesthesia Review Group focuses on the comprehensive peri-operative care of individuals undergoing surgery. Our scope encompasses general issues that are relevant to a wide range of patients, as well as specific reviews tailored to particular types of surgery or patients. While our primary areas of interest are listed below, we are open to considering reviews on more specialized aspects of anaesthetic practice as well.

Our topics are:

  • pre-operative assessment and optimisation
  • intra-operative management
  • postoperative complications and how to avoid them
  • airway management
  • regional anaesthesia
  • paediatric anaesthesia
  • acute pain management

Following the closure of the UK-based Cochrane Injuries, its scope has now been incorporated into Cochrane Emergency and Critical Care (EC) and Cochrane Anesthesia (CARG).

Our Editorial Board has expanded its focus to include the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries across all populations and settings. We are committed to advancing the evidence base and promoting best practices to contribute to safer communities and improved health outcomes.